Spyrides Group strengthens its Global Market position, by establishing new collaborations to the Far East.

Spyrides SA proudly announces a new business partnership with Empire Service Solution (ESS), a top-of-mind service provider in the Thai Oil & Gas downstream sector. Earlier this year, the Commercial Director together with the Area Exports Manager of Spyrides SA visited Thailand, for business meetings with PTG and other local Petroleum Companies. As a result of this visit, Spyrides SA will supply the first batch of Fuel Dispensers to Thailand in just a few weeks from now (within 2019), and it is expected to further increase its market share in the following months -on early 2020.
Driven by our successful presence in African & Middle East markets since the mid-'90s, we expand our activities in the Far East, committed to offering Quality Solutions to all our Customers.
Spyrides Group Increases Its Market-Share in Lebanon

We continue to increase our presence in the Lebanese market, by establishing new business cooperations with key local players. Within September 2019, Spyrides SA delivered the first batch of Fuel Dispensers to Arabian Petroleum Company (APEC), a leading company in the energy industry. The second batch of Fuel Dispensers will follow in November 2019.
We thank our Lebanese partners for their business support all these 16 years, and we commit ourselves to continue supplying Value-Added, High-Quality Innovative Products to all our customers.
Uniti Expo 2018 - Thank You!

It was a great trade show, and all of us would like to thank you for visiting our stand and supporting us! Looking forward to the 2020 edition!


We would like to inform you that our company will participate in the forthcoming Oil & Non Oil International Exhibition, Rome, Italy, 11-12 October 2017. Visit us at stand no. A20!
New Product Series Combi MPD-8000 Dispenser

One more addition to our Fuel Dispensers Product Range is the Combi MPD-8000 Series, combining Refined Petroleum Products and LPG in the same housing.
Thank you for visiting our Stand at Uniti Expo!

It was a pleasure having you to our stand and introducing you our latest Fuel Dispensers.
Uniti Expo 2016 at Stuttgart - Germany 14-16/6

We would like to inform you that our company Dem. G. Spyrides S.A. will participate in the forthcoming Uniti Expo Trade Fair in Stuttgart, Germany, from 14-16 June 2016.
New Fuel Pump M-5300

The latest addition to our Fuel Pumps Series is the new M-5300 model, mainly focused on Commercial Fleet customers.